Fabio Scippacercola Apps

CallMeBack 1.0
How many times have you handwrittenshortmessages to tell your friends to call you back when theyareavailable? CallMeBack helps you send short callback messageswithjust two taps!Once started, CallMeBack is completely HIDDEN and waits foryourphone calls. After a call, a silent message will appear onthenotification bar **for few seconds**. If a user isunavailable,then you can choose to quickly send him a message bytapping theapp's icon in the notification: tap, confirm, done!:-)- No data is consumed by CallMeBack after it is started,theenergy consumption is practically zero!- You can choose your preferred application to send theCallMeBackmessages (SMS/WhatsApp*/Others).- No any user information is sent to our servers! We careyourprivacy!*Due to WhatsApp API limitation on Android version, itcouldrequire one additional click :-(Detailed information about the permissions (for whoconcernsabout the privacy):- READ_PHONE_STATE, PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLSRequired to correctly set the notifications in thenotificationbar.- SEND_SMS, READ_SMS, WRITE_SMSRequired to send SMS by the app.- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETEDRequired to remind you to restart the app at phone reboot.- INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATERequired for the little ad-banner, hoping that it will pay acoffeefor the time spent by the developers! :-)